Commercial Van Accident Attorneys Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Long Island FREE ADVICE: 1 (212) 252-2081

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Van Accident, Van Crash, Traffic Wreck 

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New York Delivery Van Accident Attorney

NY Personal Injury Attorneys at our firm provide delivery van accident victims free advice. We represent drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and bicyclists who were struck in a delivery vehicle crash. A delivery truck collision can cause devastating injuries, especially when the van is carrying a heavy load. Carelessness from a delivery vans driver may include: excessive speed, failure to yield, loss of control of vehicle or the use of alcohol or drugs. Runaway delivery vans can also barrel into other vehicles or pedestrian.

Injury From Van Accident in New York?

We obtain police accident reports, the van driver's log books, data from the vehicle recorder, maintenance and inspection records. We will also obtain witness statements if available to us. Our firm hires reconstruction specialists that can assist us in proving our case.

Delivery drivers are always on the road making routine deliveries. Because their long work hours they may put themselves and others at risk for an accident. In New York City there is a high concentration of delivery vehicles. The drivers often have deadlines to meet, and are frequently rushed to deliver, park, pull away, and merge into traffic. Statistically delivery accidents occur because of sudden pulling out and hitting another vehicle, backing up, and inappropriate turns at intersections.

Our law firm handles commercial delivery accident claims, including UPS, FedEx, Verizon, and Time Warner Cable delivery companies including: furniture moving vans and courier vans. If you or a loved one have been injured in a delivery van wreck, traffic collision involving a courier van or FedEx or UPS crash and speak to one of our injury attorneys in New York for a free consultation 212-252-2081.

 Ajlouny Injury Law Reviews

Disclaimer: The information on this site are general in nature. Any subject matter presented within this site should not be considered legal advice. This site is informational and for attorney advertising and promotional purposes only. These materials presented are intended, not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete, and up-to-date. If you require legal representation consult with a New York personal injury attorney.

Se Habla Espanol. New York City (NYC) personal injury law firm providing car accident victims FREE ADVICE in the New York (NY): Manhattan/New York County, Queens, Brooklyn/Kings County and the Bronx, Harlem, and Long Island, New York.

New York car Accident Lawyer
276 5th Ave
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-252-2081

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