Taxi Accident Attorneys Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Long Island FREE ADVICE: 1 (212) 252-2081

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New York Taxi Cab Accident Lawyer

New York Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

Our New York Taxi Accident Lawyers protect the rights of individuals seriously injured in a taxi cab accident or collision. There are close to 12,778 Licensed medallion taxis and 40,000+ other for hire vehicles like pedicabs.

New York law taxi cab owners are presumed liable for passenger, pedestrian or or individual in another vehicle through the taxi cab's fault. If you have been seriously injured in a New York taxi cab accident, our New York Taxi cab collision lawyers will help you recover money for your injuries.

Our law firm represents plaintiffs in very serious personal injury and wrongful death cases, involving taxi accident claims. When we do accept a case, we give it the attention it deserves.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a taxi cab wreck, collision with another vehicle,  speak to a New York personal injury attorney now for a free consultation 212-252-2081.


Bronx, Kings (Brooklyn), Nassau, New York (Manhattan), Queens, Suffolk County


 Ajlouny Injury Law Reviews

Disclaimer: The information on this site are general in nature. Any subject matter presented within this site should not be considered legal advice. This site is informational and for attorney advertising and promotional purposes only. These materials presented are intended, not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete, and up-to-date. If you require legal representation consult with a New York personal injury attorney.

Se Habla Espanol. New York City (NYC) personal injury law firm providing car accident victims FREE ADVICE in the New York (NY): Manhattan/New York County, Queens, Brooklyn/Kings County and the Bronx, Harlem, and Long Island, New York.

New York car Accident Lawyer
276 5th Ave
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-252-2081

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